2017 Mission Summit Report
Dear FBCD Family & Friends:
Thank you for the opportunity to represent our congregation at the 2017 Mission Summit, a national, biennial gathering of American Baptists from throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. The Mission Summit was convened in Portland, Oregon. Along with myself, Wayne and Ingrid Dvirnak, Adam McGowen, and Scott Pegues served as delegates from FBCD. Our church was joined by several other congregations from the Evergreen Association. The Evergreen Association was the only American Baptist region to have a booth in the exhibit hall. Over the course of the weekend we were able to share with many about how unique Evergreen is and our Executive Minister, Rev. Dr. Marcia Patton, autographed her recently published book, Intentionally Inclusive: Together at the Table for Ministry. This book tells the story of the history and development of our region and what sets it apart from all others.

Throughout the event, new leaders of American Baptist Churches USA had the opportunity to preach and address delegates and participants gathered in Portland. Rev. Sharon T. Koh, executive director/CEO of International Ministries, gave the message during the Friday evening Worship Experience; Dr. Jeffrey Haggray, executive director of American Baptist Home Mission Societies, preached during the Saturday evening Worship Experience; and new ABCUSA General Secretary Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer gave the sermon during the Sunday morning Worship Experience. On Friday evening, Spitzer, whose role began on June 1, 2017, was officially introduced to Biennial Mission Summit attendees as General Secretary by ABCUSA President Judy Fackenthal. Members of the General Secretary Search Committee joined Spitzer on stage as he gave his opening remarks, and prayed around him along with those in attendance.
This was an historic gathering for sure. The national leadership of our denomination has entered a new chapter of history with fresh perspectives and people to lead us well into the future. As a local congregation we can pray for them and trust that together, with all of the diversity of our American Baptist family, we can continue to be the hands and feet of Christ to our world, country, and local communities.
Thank you again for the opportunity to represent FBCD and to serve you in the capacities I can.
First Baptist Church of Denver is a welcoming and affirming, inclusive Christian community that embraces diversity, engages personal faith, and serves with compassion.