Our nation will celebrate its 241st birthday next Tuesday. As we celebrate throughout the country with backyard barbecues and downtown fireworks, it is good for us to remember the cloud of witnesses who have contributed to making the United States what we are today. This week, I’m appreciating the words of one of our Presidential forebears, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who said, “Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.”
Within our Christian tradition, President Roosevelt’s words remind me too of the revolutionist whose words and actions we seek to emulate today. Jesus showed us the way of love. The way of love seems like it ought be an easy way to go. Sadly, the human story reminds us that the love’s way isn’t often the way chosen by many.
As we celebrate this coming week, may we not forget that the love of God is for all people...immigrants, refugees, the poor, and EVERYone. I trust that 1373 Grant Street will continue to be a place that embodies our mission statement: First Baptist Church of Denver is a welcoming and affirming, inclusive Christian community that embraces diversity, engages personal faith, and serves with compassion.
Enjoy this holiday weekend. Be safe. Plan to attend our 10:30 service on Sunday. Invite someone to join you. They’ll be glad you did.
First Baptist Church of Denver is a welcoming and affirming, inclusive Christian community that embraces diversity, engages personal faith, and serves with compassion.